Blaming Astrology - A Pisces Problem

I have 4 planets in Pisces. When my life feels out of control, it’s easy to blame my chart. It’s my Sun, Jupiter, Venus AND Mercury! I am flooded. Its too much! Overwhelmed by mundane reality and swimming too long in suffering. Am I victim of my chart?

This is a Pisces question. Victimhood is a Pisces feeling. As Saturn enters Pisces, this question will resonate with many, and the popular trend to blame astrology will take hold even stronger.

Saturn can also teach us to alchemize blame into accountability. Becoming aware of our charts should not be an opportunity to say “See! That is why my life sucks.” Becoming aware of our charts can lead us to take responsibility for the rare and precious alignment of energy. The hard and the blissful, the challenges and the gifts. Light and shadow are inseparable twins.

So when my life feels out of control, I look in the mirror of Pisces and ask for compassion and patience to wade through the chaos as familiar territory that I have encountered and survived before. Perhaps there is skill and wisdom to be gained?

And now that Saturn is returning to Pisces after 29 years, I am thrilled to receive this elder into my waters for the next 3 years. I know she holds much wisdom for crafting containers uniquely designed to hold some of the more intangible qualities of Pisces. I hope to show her I can take responsibility for the chart I was gifted and hopeful she will teach me to craft these vessels of great mystery and knowing.

If you have Saturn in Pisces you will go through the Great Saturn Return and have the opportunity to recreate the containers, structures and stories of your life. The awareness that astrology gives us should lead us to greater agency and clear intention. Blaming is a lower vibration that may get you laughs and attention, but does not sing to the potential of your soul.


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