Why Community Supported Astrology?

Hearing other peoples’ stories and experiences of a sign or planetary activation helps us all understand astrology with more complexity, compassion and accuracy. It is far too easy to make vast generalizations of “all Aries are X”, or “all Saturn transits are depressing”. This robs us of the full truth, agency and the full array of gifts that are available. One of my ground rules in classes and workshop I teach is that we are all there to listen to one another and not make any assumptions about people based on any of their placements. We give each other the gift of listening and witnessing without judgement, and that is a space where anything is possible.

To me, astrology is a language of universal energy that can help us achieve our highest potential, raise our consciousness and release judgements that create mental suffering. That is much easier done among other folks who are reaching for that as well, and my hope is that this language can support us in collectively moving into a plane of mutual acceptance and love.

In a more poetic sense, I imagine large numbers of humans attuning to the planetary movements and energies, is like participating in a very large symphony of stellar and planetary vibrations. In this symphony, when you know astrology, or simply acknowledge the wider sphere of influence, you can tune your instrument just right and create totally unique and beautiful harmonies with the rest of creation. We are all made of stardust right?


Blaming Astrology - A Pisces Problem
