Astrology Is Not Something To Worry About

Astrology has never been so accessible to the masses as it is right now.  We can pull up birth charts in a matter of seconds, and access a plethora of information on the subject. I believe we are living in a kind of renewal and renaissance of astrology.  The downside of course is how narrow and un-complex the presentation of this incredible knowledge is through many pop astrology media platforms.  We are fed bit size pieces of information to consume that stoke the fires of anxiety, fear, and judgment.  

I usually start my workshops inviting people to resist the pull of these mindsets.  I invite people to listen to others and how they experience the energy of Scorpio personally, rather than making assumptions about that person's life.  I invite people not to anticipate badness when I mention a retrograde.  Mercury’s regular paths of retrograde do not exist to mess up our commutes.  

Astrology is about broadening our consciousness to integrate the patterns and cycles of these gigantic mysterious celestial beings. I cannot look at the pattern that Venus makes in the sky and not know that there is in fact divine order.  Venus creates a perfect five petal flower or star as it travels around the sun. Swoon! We are attempting to tune into this beautiful symphony of light and vibration whenever we read or talk about astrology.  We are trying to awaken to its power, not worry about it or curse it.  Learning to perceive the greater meaning and order of planetary movements is understanding our place in a wider universe.  It is akin to understanding the intricate web of connections that exist inside any living ecosystem here on earth.  There is order, reciprocity, interdependence, beauty and power.  It is a gift. It is an honor to behold, and should be held with utmost respect and reverence.




New Moon in Libra and the Astrology of 2020