New Moon in Libra and the Astrology of 2020
In order to align with the energy of the Libra New Moon on October 16th, we have to acknowledge the planetary signatures that have made 2020 one of the most challenging and revelatory years in history. “2020 is a portal”, said Arundhati Roy. 2020 is 2020 because Jupiter, Saturn and Pluto have all been traveling through Capricorn together, a triple conjunction that has not happened in the sign of Capricorn for thousands of years. We will not get astrology quite like this for hundreds of years to come. And on top of that, this conjunction is happening on the Pluto Return point of the United States. The Pluto Return is a turning point in the life of a nation that occurs every 248 years. It represents a reckoning with the sources of power and wealth that are not seen by most.
Capricorn is an earth sign that represents systems and structures that have been built slowly over time, structures that govern the social and economic lives of people, and our responsibility to society. This triple conjunction has triggered an epic slow down of the major structures that govern the lives of most humans across the globe, and awakened many who were still asleep to the massive corruption and ongoing colonization and genocide perpetrated by all the capitalist, white supremacist governments around the globe.
The presence of Pluto, the South Node earlier this year, and the Pluto Return point of the U.S. spells a collapse of these structures. A confrontation with the sources of wealth and power that the American government, in particular, has been exploiting since its 1776 declaration of “independence.” Pluto activation corresponds to death processes, inevitable transformations, and the unveiling of invisible or invisibilized sources of power and resources. Sound like 2020?
This New Moon in Libra happening on Oct 16th receives the light of these Capricorn planets. This is not an easy energy to receive, and yet, the darkness in the sky knows how to alchemize this light. Physically, Libra rules the kidneys which filter about 200 quarts of blood each day, getting rid of toxins to keep your body systems balanced. This New Moon is about seeing the real life toxins and knowing just what you have to release in order to stay in balance. Toxins within relationship patterns, toxins of our dominant cultural values, and toxins within legal systems which Libra governs.
The New Moon phase is a part of the lunar cycle when Luna gets to retreat and rejuvenate, disappearing from the night sky for about 3 days. Luna returns again as a sliver of light, a seed in the night sky, delicate and with a promise to grow into fullness 2 weeks later, and 6 months later. So this Libra Luna is squaring off with the Capricorn triple conjunction and facing off with Mars Retrograde in Aries. Because this dark moon finds herself confronting some of the most challenging astrology of 2020, she asks us to go inward into our own dark spaces and distill the big lessons that this year has brought so far. Discern the values you want to uphold and act upon. Get clear on the relationships that you need to let go of and those that you want to commit to. Make meaning of the death happening all around us and for you personally. It may be difficult to plant brand new seeds in this cosmic soil. There will be better weather for new seeds in a few months. Promise.